We successfully piloted our first EdQuantum Course at Indian River State College in Fall 2023! The title of this 3-credit course is “Introduction to Quantum Technology.” This was for the first time ever that a course in experimental quantum technologies was offered at a two-year institution in the United States. For more information about the course, please check a short video in Lab Demos on this website. To inquire about the course learning outcomes or equipment used in the course, please contact us at mhasanov@irsc.edu.
A significant gap exists between the state of quantum science and its practical uses in industry. Part of the gap results from the lack of the advanced technical workforce needed to implement quantum technologies. The people best poised to enter the new quantum technological workforce are incumbent photonics technicians. Their current qualifications provide a foundation on which to build the new quantum-related competencies. This project aims to produce a freely available curriculum that will enable photonics technicians to acquire new quantum-related competencies. This curriculum will contain a three-course sequence with freely accessible textbooks, lab manuals, and interactive online content. The availability of the courses via an open-access educational platform will reduce geographical barriers between colleges, students, and industry. The proposed platform can also promote inclusion and diversity in the high-tech quantum workforce by increasing access to education in quantum technologies. The proposed quantum technology curriculum is expected to help U.S. businesses maintain global leadership in advanced laser and quantum technologies.
This project will pioneer the introduction of quantum science into advanced technological education. It will do so by developing, testing, and disseminating a three-course hybrid curriculum in quantum-enabled technologies. The project will begin with an assessment of the industry demand for quantum-related skills, continue with curriculum and course development, and end with the establishment of a sustainable learning platform. The three courses will be designed to meet the highest level of Quality Matters certification. The curriculum will be promoted by academic and industry collaborators and validated through data collected via the learning platform in real-time as students interact with the course material. The open-access learning platform will make the entire educational content accessible and transferrable to other institutions. Through these efforts, this project will contribute to the new quantum STEM workforce development needed to propel quantum technology forward.
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE 2055061. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.